IPL Photo Rejuvenation
Intense Pulsed Light laser is a gentle non-ablative laser that is used to improve hyperpigmentation, redness, fine lines, wrinkles, and overall skin texture. Common treatment areas include face, neck, chest and hands.
As the skin ages there can be many changes that occur. Skin quality can worsen with enlarged pores, texture, and laxity. Unwanted conditions such as redness, veins, sun damage, and age spots may show up. Address all of these concerns with an easy, painless series of laser treatments.

A common condition with aging skin is the appearance of redness, formation of veins and broken capillaries in the skin. Rosacea is a chronic disorder characterized by facial flushing and with time the gradual development of persistent facial redness and spider-like blood vessels. It is often punctuated by episodes of inflammatory papules (bumps), pustules (pimples) and swelling. Laser treatments can suppress the inflammation and coagulate unwanted veins and broken capillaries to get the clear skin you want!

Sun damage, pigment and dark spots are often mutifactorial and require a complex treatment regimen to achieve clearance and prevent recurrence. Laser treatment can help target melanin in the epidermis and dermis, and decrease blood flow to these areas which helps with inflammation. These treatments are painless, take about 25 minutes and are safe for all skin types.